Friday, May 1, 2015

Dangling Participle Contest

     I know, this sounds very odd. But for a long time I've liked the idea of a contest based on a dangling participle, so we're going to do one. It's going to be fun.
     So, remember in your old grammar book that talked about dangling participles that made sentences not make any sense, and which were actually pretty funny if you thought about it long enough? If you can't remember what they are, they're something like, "Hanging from a nail in the closet, he found his tie." Now, technically, this sentence is saying that a guy found his tie while he was hanging from a nail in the closet. So, when you submit your story for this contest, you must have in the body of the email a sentence containing a dangling participle. It needs to be clear that it's actually a dangling participle, something that doesn't normally make sense. Then you need to use that sentence in your story, and it must make sense.

     Include "Dangling Participle Contest" in the subject line.

     Submit to

     The story must be 500-5000 words in length, not including the title.

     Submissions must be attached in doc., docx., or txt format.

     You may include a short, 200 word bio, plus a picture.

     You may also include links, either in your bio or separate from them.

     Submissions must be PG-13 or cleaner.

     ALL rights remain with the creator, we only ask that we be allowed to display your poem and bio on the website and newsletter, but if you would rather we didn't, let us know in the email. It will not impact your chances of winning.

     Please do not include your name in the attached document, only in the body of the email.

     You must be the sole creator of your story, or have the permission of all the other creators and have been an integral part of making it.

     Previous and simultaneous submissions are welcome.

     The deadline is June 20th.

     Results will be posted July 1st.

     Send any questions to I can't wait to see your entries. This is going to be awesome. And hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. This looks really cool! Can't wait to do it! :)
